
Visit IOM
Book your visit to the Isle of Man with Visit IOM

Isle of Man Department of Tourism and Lesuire
Information on how to get to the Isle of Man and where to stay

Manx National Heritage
Information on most aspects of the Island’s heritage

Centre for Manx Studies
The Centre’s homepage. It will soon feature an extensive geological bibliography by Eva Wilson

British Geological Survey
Features satellite images of the British Isles

BBC The Earth
Categorised clips and information from the BBC archive.

CBBC’s Fierce Earth
Children’s natural science TV series

The PALEOMAP Project
Shows the movement of the continents over the past 650 million years

Laxey Mines Research Group
Explores the mines of the Isle of Man above and below ground

Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society
The society’s website contains a list of events, including geological talks and excursions.

Pooil Vaaish Quarry
Pooil Vaaish Quarry, situated on the scenic Scarlett peninsular on the south coast of the Isle of Man, has been producing black limestone for the last five centuries.
This unique stone polishes down to a pure shiny black and is locally known as ‘Manx Marble’.